1. I went to Olson’s Scandinavian Deli on Sunday because they were posting on Facebook that they got all sorts of loose Swedish candy aka lösgodis! I went over there, scooped all my favorites, and then proceeded to finish the bag last night. Whoops! It’s just nice to know that 12 minutes away, I can find most of my favorite Swedish candy.
2. I am SO excited for one of my best friends from high school to come out and visit me! She gets here on Saturday. Are you ready for LA Ellen?!
3. Children are hysterical.
4. I don’t know if I’m a gin drinker, but these look delicious.
5. They’ve already released some of the Super Bowl commercials. This throwback to Full House is funny and then this Budweiser commercial is absolutely adorable.
6. I. Love. Meryl. Streep.
7. I’m excited for the Super Bowl, though mostly for the food this year because I don’t have any particular attachments to the teams playing. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed I don’t have to go in to work.
8. I’ve finally been catching up on some of my shows: Trophy Wife, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother. I love them so much. I can’t believe though that Grey’s and Once Upon a Time don’t come back for another month or so. Such a long break!
9. How delicious do these earl grey chocolate shakes look? This cardamom cake also looks incredible. Oh, and these cookies are deliciously punny.
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